Friday, May 18, 2012

Implements used to minimize pest attack

farmer spraying insecticide with knapsec sprayer
 Knapsack sprayers are widely use in all rice growing countries.  Knapsack sprayers come in many different forms but the basic components and requirements for use are the same for all. Some units use a pressurized tank system  but the majority do not.
Components of a knapsack sprayer
The components of a knapsack sprayer are similar as for a broad acre boom sprayer.
Knapsack sprayers are available in many different configurations they all comprise of the same basic components. These components are:
  • Tank to hold chemical
  • Hand pump to create pressure
  • Filtration system behind the nozzle tip to reduce blockagesh
  • Control Valve to control pressure and turn of the sprayer
  • Nozzle tip to control application rate an produce the correct size droplet

Knapsec sprayer
Calibration is necessary in order to achieve accurate, uniform applications.  Calibration is determined by measuring sprayer output for a known area.  Walking speed, swath or boom width, nozzle capacity and spray pressure all influence sprayer outputs

 Handsprayer is a farming implement used for uniform spray of  any liquid solution of suspention.It consists of  tank,nozzle,handle,pressure gauge etc.It has wide use in home gardening.

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